The dev
command is responsible for:
- Running the Next.js dev server.
- Running the background worker dev server.
- Running development database management commands.
All of these commands operate using the development environment configuration as defined via the environment variables.
The servers are spawned as child processes of the CLI command script, with their stdio mapping to the console.
pnpm dev web
This internally runs:
- Next.js dev server which watches for changes to your web app and reloads automatically.
- GraphQL code generator which auto-generates Typescript bindings when your GraphQL schema changes.
- Contract ABI code generator which auto-regenerates the JSON ABI for your contracts when ABI config changes.
The website will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
Background worker
pnpm dev worker
This internally runs:
- Node.js process for the background worker which auto-restarts when changes are made to the worker code.
- Code generator which auto-generates Typescript exports when a background job is added or modified.
## Running servers simultaneously
To run both the the Next.js and background worker servers simultaneously:
pnpm dev
Database management
To migrate the database to the latest schema:
pnpm dev db migrate
To reset the database to the latest schema and clear all of its data:
pnpm dev db reset
To re-generate the Prisma client and associated Typescript bindings:
pnpm dev db generate-types