# do-cloud

The do-cloud command is responsible for interacting with the DigitalOcean API. Specifically it enables the following:

  • Provision a managed PostgreSQL database and associated user.
  • Push Docker images to a managed container registry.

All of these commands require the following environment variable to be set in either .env.local (recommended) or .env.production:

# Database provisining

pnpm do-cloud db setup

This will setup a managed PostgreSQL database, creating a basic db cluster if it doesn't already exist.

If existing clusters are found then it will ask you to select the cluster within which to create the database.

It will then create a PostgreSQL user that is able to access and modify the newly created database.

The default database name and username are both quickdapp. To customize:

pnpm do-cloud db setup --name <db_name> --user <username>

The final output of the command will be the database connection string to set as the DATABASE_URL environment variable, e.g:


# Docker images

# push Next.js docker image
pnpm do-cloud docker push web
# push Worker docker image
pnpm do-cloud docker push worker
# push combined Next.js + Worker docker image
pnpm do-cloud docker push

This will first create a Docker container registry if it doesn't already exist.

By default the created registry is called quickdapp. To customize the name:

pnpm do-cloud docker push web --registry myregistry

If the myregistry registry already exists then it will be used, otherwise it will be created.

Once the registry has been created the specified Docker image will be pushed to it. Note that the Docker tag is always set to latest.

If you had used a custom docker image name prefix when building the images then you will need to supply that prefix here too, e.g:

pnpm do-cloud docker push --prefix myapp