# Adding a job

To create a new type of job a new file must be added to src/worker/jobs which adheres to the Job interface:

export interface JobParams {
  app: BootstrappedApp
  log: LogInterface
  job: WorkerJob

export type JobRunner = (params: JobParams) => Promise<any>

export interface Job {
  run: JobRunner,

# Scheduling a job

The two job scheduling methods are:

* `scheduleJob()` - One-off job run.
* `scheduleCronJob()` - Cron task which runs a job on a regular schedule.

A job is specified as follows:

export interface WorkerJobConfig<T extends object> {
  /** Maps to a job defined in src/worker/jobs */
  type: WorkerJobType
  /** User this job is for. Use 0 for system-level jobs. */
  userId: number
  /** When job must be executed. Default is right now. */
  due?: Date
  /** Any data to be passed to job `run()` method. */
  data?: T
  /** Whether to auto-retry on failure. */
  autoRescheduleOnFailure?: boolean
  /** No. of milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed job. */
  autoRescheduleOnFailureDelay?: number
  /** No. of milliseconds to wait before removing the job from the database once it has successfully completed. */
  removeDelay?: number

The scheduleCronJob() method additionally requires a crontab specification.

# Pending jobs

When a new job is scheduled any matching pending jobs are first cancelled.

A matching pending job is one which has all the following properties:

  • It has the same type and userId as the new job.
  • It has not yet started OR it started over an hour ago but is yet to complete.

Thus, you should ensure any given job doesn't execute for longer than an hour.

# Database table

Regarding the worker database table schema, the following two fields should be noted:b

  • result - The data returned by the job's run() method if successful.
  • rescheduledFromJob - If the job has been rescheduled from an earlier job (whether due to a cron schedule or as an auto-retry-on-failure) this field will hold a reference to that earlier job.